THE BLACK HOLE: Where everything ends - DailyDozzz- Expedition Unknown



Sunday 26 July 2020

THE BLACK HOLE: Where everything ends


Our universe is so full of mysteries that we cannot even take our thinking and imagination, the universe was moving and always will be everything, but there are some things that fill the universe with mysteries, today we are the universe Will get you introduced to such a thing about which almost every person who is interested in space science, must know or wish to know about it, then let us know the most mysterious thing of the universe BLACK HOLE (Shyam Weaver) About

A black hole is a place in space or points that are so dense, whose gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape the powerful effects of the gravity of the BLACK HOLE. Gravity is so strong that matter is squeezed into a small space.

Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of a black hole in 1916, along with his general theory of relativity.


The term "black holes" was coined several years later in 1967 by American astronomer John Wheeler. Decades of black holes are known only as theoretical objects, the first physical black hole discovered in 1971 was observed.

Then, in 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration released the first image recorded in a black hole. The EHT saw a black hole in the centre of the galaxy M87. It also opens up a new field of research in the black hole, now astronomers know what the black hole looks like.

First image of black hole

There are four types of black holes:

stellar- small but deadly

 intermediate- Stuck in the middle

 supermassive- the birth of giants

 Mini-miniature black hole

The most known way of black hole formation is stellar death. As the star reaches the last level of its life, it loses most of its mass, losing mass, then begins to form white dwarfs. But the largest of these flaming bodies, which are at least 10 to 20 times larger than our own sun, become either super-dense neutron star or so-called stellar-mass black hole.

Because no light can exit the black hole, we cannot see the black hole. They are invisible. Space telescopes with special equipment can help find the black hole. Special equipment We can see how the stars that are very close to becoming a black hole work differently than other stars.

How Big are Black Hole?

Black holes can be large or small. Scientists think that the smallest black holes are just as small as an atom. These black holes are very small but hold the mass of a large mountain. Mass is the amount of substance, or "stuff", in an object.

Another type of black hole is called "stellar". Its mass can be 20 times greater than the mass of the Sun. Earth's galaxy may contain many, many stellar mass black holes. Earth's galaxy is called Milky Way galaxy.

The largest black hole is called "supermassive". These black holes have an excessive amount of mass which is equivalent to more than 1 million suns. Scientists have found evidence that every large galaxy has a supermassive black hole. The supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A, whose mass is equal to about 4 million suns.

If the black hole is "Black", how do scientists know they are there?

The black hole cannot be seen because its strong gravity also draws light into the middle of the black hole. But scientists can see how its strong gravity affects the stars and gas around the black hole. Scientists study the stars to find out if they are flying around, or orbiting a black hole.

When a black hole and star are close, a high-energy light is formed. Such light cannot be seen with human eyes. Scientists use satellites and telescopes in space to see high-energy light.

Can a Black Hole destroy the Earth?

No black hole moves around in space to kill the moon, planets and stars. Earth will not fall into a black hole because no black hole is close to our solar system to do so.

Even if the sun turns into a black hole, the earth will not fall into that black hole. Because the gravity of that black hole will be the same as that of the sun. Then Earth and other planets will also cover that black hole in the same way as they used to revolve around the Sun.

Well the truth is that the sun will never turn into a black hole. Why the sun is not a big enough star to make a black hole.


Weird facts about black hole

If you fall into a black hole, one theory states that "gravity will pull you in like a spaghetti, though you will die before reaching singularity. But one study has suggested in nature that the quantum effect is black." Will push the hole's horizon to act like a wall of fire, which will instantly burn and kill you.


If a star passes too close to a black hole, the star may explode.

Astronomers estimate that there are between 10 million and 1 billion stellar black holes in the Milky Way, of which the mass is about three times larger than the Sun.

Black hole is a very big topic for science fiction books and film. The film "Interstellar", so far, features a close-up look at the black hole.



The black hole has the incredible ability to pull you into a long spaghetti-like strand. Appropriately, this phenomenon is called 'spaghettification'.




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