Origin of universe - DailyDozzz- Expedition Unknown



Saturday 25 July 2020

Origin of universe


The origin of the world and the Universe we are living in today is still a mystery. What was before creation? Who composed it, when and why? What happened that created this world? Is this universe held in one place or is it changing every day? There are many unresolved questions that no one has a definite answer to. There are some theories that answer some questions and raise some new questions? The theory to answer all the questions has not been revealed yet, the most recognized theory is, BIG BANG THEORY answers these questions from 'BIG BANG THEORY'.

In 1929, Edwin Habbal made a surprise discovery, he found that in space you can see the sky in any direction and other celestial bodies are rapidly moving away from each other. In other words, the universe is expanding. This means that all the substances of the universe in history must have been closer to each other than today. And there must have been a time when all celestial bodies have stayed in one place, but would you believe it?

Before the scientist Edwin Habbal, most astronomers thought that the universe had not changed. But if the universe is expanding, what does it say about where it was in the past?

If the universe is expanding, then the next logical idea is that it was small in the past.

Most astronomers believe that the Universe formed during an event called the Big Bang - a massive explosion that occurred 10 to 20 billion years ago.

 If we start in the present and go back to the past, this Paige's universe is shrinking, getting smaller and smaller. The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation for how the universe began. It says this in its simplest form, that the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then spread over the next 13.8 billion years ago to the universe that we know today, Because current instruments do not allow astronomers to return to the birth of the universe, everything we understand about Big Bang Theory comes from mathematical formulas and models.

According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe began about 13.8 billion years ago. All the particles of the universe were very close to each other. They were so close that they were all in one place, at one point, the whole universe was in the shape of a point. Which were in a point form in the form of a single, hot, chaotic mass in which a large explosion - a great explosion, caused the universe to rapidly expand. All matter and energy and even space in the universe have come out of this explosion, during the Big Bang, space, time, matter and energy all formed in the universe. This massive explosion hurled matter in all directions and expanded itself into space. As the universe cooled, the material in it took place in the form of galaxies, stars and planets.


Two things are understood by the theory -

• All the galaxies of Universe are constantly going away from us

• The farther the galaxy is, the faster and farther away it is going

Most scientists who study Universe rely on this THEORY. So far no such instrument has been made so that the exact beginning of Universe can be said. An attempt is made to understand Universe through this THEORY based on Mathematical Formula and Model. However, scientists can see the continuous expansion of Universe through the Cosmic microwave background theory.


After the Big Bang

In the first few moments after Big Bang, the universe was unimaginably hot and dense. As the universe expanded, it became less dense and cooled.

• 10–43 seconds after the great explosion, only very high energy (in the form of photon particles) existed. At the same time fundamental particles like quarks, electrons, anti-electrons (positrons) were formed.

• After 10–34 seconds, particles such as quarks and anti quarks formed in large quantities due to the collision between the excess energy of the fundamental particles. At this time both the particles and their counter-particles were being formed, some of which were colliding with one particle and their counter-particles colliding with the other. At this time the shape of the universe was shaped like an orange.

• After 10–10 seconds, the anti quarks collided with the quarks and were completely destroyed, creating photons from this collision. At the same time protons and neutrons were also produced.

• After 1 second, when the temperature was 10 billion degrees Celsius, the universe began to take shape. At that time, the universe consisted mostly of photons, electrons, neutrinos and their antigens, with some amount of protons and neutrons.

• Protons and neutrons began to form nuclei of elements together, which we know today as hydrogen, helium, lithium, and deuterium.

• When three minutes had passed since the Great Explosion, the temperature had dropped to 1 billion degrees Celsius, the element and cosmic radiation had formed. This radiation is still present and can be felt.

• After 300,000 years of moving forward, the expanding universe still did not match the universe of today. Elements and radiation began to separate from each other. At the same time electrons were forming atoms together with the nucleus. Atoms were forming molecules.

• After 1 billion years of this, a certain shape of the universe began to form. Around this time the quasar, the protogalaxy (an early form of the galaxy), began to be born of stars. The stars were burning hydrogen to form heavy elements.

• See the situation today, about 14 billion years after the Great Eruption! Their solar system has been formed with stars. Atoms have formed hard molecules. In which some hard molecules are fundamental particles of life (ex: Amino Acid). Not only this, many stars have become black holes. 

The universe is still expanding, and the pace of expansion is increasing. You can compare the expanding universe with a balloon, just as the points on the surface of the balloon flare away from each other, in the same way, the sky is moving away from each other. This expansion is happening in such a way that there is no centre, every galaxy is moving away from the other galaxy.

What was it before BIG BANG?

Now one more thing comes to mind that what was there before BIG BANG, the scientist Stephen Hawking, who opened many layers of the universe from the dark matter, black hole, believes that there was nothing before BIG BANG, he believes that Einstein According to the Theory of relativity, the equation of space and time together maintain constant space and time. This is a never ending process. There was not even a 'TIME' before BIG BANG. All energy and physical matter were focused on one point. 

The Alternative Theory

According to this theory, time and space did not start simultaneously with the great explosion. It is believed that time is eternal, it has neither beginning nor end. Let us know this principle. Galaxies and clusters of celestial bodies move away from each other in space. According to the theory of the Great Explosion, the speed of the celestial bodies moving away from each other is less than the time after the Great Explosion and today. Taking this further, this theory says that in future the gravity of celestial bodies will be able to stop the speed of this expansion. At the same time, the opposite process will begin i.e. the contraction. All celestial bodies will come closer and closer to each other and eventually become narrow as a single point. At this moment another great explosion will occur and a new universe will be formed, the process of expansion will start once more. This process has been going on since time immemorial, our world is one of many in this expansion and contraction. Even before this, many worlds have been created and will continue to be built in the future. The process of shrinking the universe into a single point is known as the Big Crunch. Our world will also be destroyed in one such great contraction, which will give birth to a new universe by a great explosion. If this theory is correct, then this contraction process will start after 1 trillion 50 billion years from today.

The Quite State Theory

The theory of the great explosion is the most accepted theory, but not all scientists agree. They believe that the universe is eternal, it has neither beginning nor end. According to him, the universe did not start with a great explosion or it would end with a great contraction. This theory assumes that the universe is the way it has always been and always will be.

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