CHINA: The most populated country in the world - DailyDozzz- Expedition Unknown



Thursday 16 July 2020

CHINA: The most populated country in the world


The continent of Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent, inhabited by over 4 billion people. Asia includes China, the world's most populous country, and Russia, the world's largest country. Asia's borders lie to the west of Africa and Europe and the Pacific Ocean to the east.

The continent of Asia is so large and diverse that it is often subdivided into sub-regions. 

Northern Asia

Central Asia

Middle East

Southern Asia

East Asia

Southeast Asia

Asia is rich in diverse breeds, cultures and languages. Many major religions of the world came out of Asia including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Asia has a major influence on world culture and world economy. Countries like Russia, China, Japan, and India produce products and services used by every country in the world. Asia is also abundant in natural resources. Oil is a major supplier of most of the world's energy in the Middle East. In total, 48 countries come together in Asia.

Geographically, China comes in the eastern part of Asia. Let’s know, some interesting things about the world's most populous country.



Spanning 3,100 miles (ca. 4,989 km) from east to west and 3,400 miles (ca. 5,472 km) from north to south, China is a large country with widely varying landscapes. Its area consists of mountains, high plateaus, sandy deserts and dense forests.

One-third of China's landmass is made up of mountains. Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, lies on the border between China and Nepal.

There are thousands of rivers in China. The most important are the Yangtze and Yellow River. At 3,915 miles (ca. 6,301 km) long, the Yangtze is the third largest river in the world.





China is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world, but it has recently become a "modern" nation. In the last 20 years, China has changed faster than any other country in the world.

Chinese history is divided into dynasties, each of which marks the period when a line of emperors ruled. The first empire was the Qin dynasty and began in 221 BCE. The last emperor was overthrown in 1912, and China became a republic. The Communist government began its rule in 1949 after a civil war with Chinese nationalists. Ancient China was a country of invention. For centuries, China was ahead of other countries in science and technology, astronomy and mathematics. The Chinese invented, among other things, paper, magnetic compass, printing, porcelain, silk and gunpowder.




With a population of 1.3 billion, China has more people than any other country on Earth. About a third of the population lives in cities. The rest live in the country.

Arts and crafts have a long history in China. Thousands of years ago the Chinese were some of the first people to use art to make silk, jade, bronze, wood, and paper. Artistic writing called calligraphy was invented in China.

Most of China's modern beliefs and philosophies are based on the teachings of a government official who lived around 3,000 years ago. Kongfuzi, also known as Confucius, taught people the value of such things as morality, kindness, and education.

Confucius is known as the first teacher in China who wanted to make education widely available and who were instrumental in establishing the art of teaching. He also established moral, ethical and social standards that formed the basis of the way of life known as Confucianism.



THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is a socialist republic, governed by one party, the COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA. The power in THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is divided between the NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS (NPC), the President and the Council of State. The NPC (National People's Congress) is a single legislative body, whose members are elected by the Communist Party. The State Council, headed by the Premier, is the administrative branch. The People's Liberation Army also gains considerable political power. The current President of China and Communist Party Secretary General is Xi Jinping.


Official Language

The official language of the PRC is Mandarin (Mandarin), a tonal language in the Sino-Tibetan family. However, within China, only 53 percent of the population communicate in standard Mandarin. 

Other important languages ​​in China

With 77 million; Wu (Wu)

With 60 million; Cantonese

56 million; Jin (Jin)

45 million; Jiang (Xiang)

36 million; Hakka

34 million; Gan

29 million; Uighur

7.4 million; Tibetan

5.3 million; Hui (Hui)

3.2 million; Ping

The PRC also has dozens of minority languages, including Kazakh, Miao, Sui, Korean, Lisu, Mongolian, Qiang and Yi.



As a result of its large area and various landforms, China has climatic zones ranging from subtropical to tropical.

The average cold temperature in China's northern province of Heilongjiang (Heilongjiang) is less than -30 ° C. Xinjiang (Xinjiang), to the west, can reach about 50 degrees. The southern Hainan island has a tropical monsoon climate.

Hainan (Hainan) receives about 200 cm (79 in) of rain annually. The western Taklamakan Desert (Taklamakan Desert) receives only 10 cm (4 in) of rain and snow every year.



In the last 25 years, China has been the fastest growing major economy in the world,

Since the 1970s, the PRC has transformed its economy into a capitalist powerhouse.

The GDP per capita is $ 2,000. The government poverty rate is 10 percent. The Chinese currency is the yuan renminbi.

 As of March 2020.

 $ 1 US = 7.07 CNY.



Description of flag

The Chinese flag was adopted on September 27, 1949. It has a red background with yellow five stars on the top left. One star is larger and the other four stars form an arc of unity around the larger star. The big stars represent the Communist Party of China. The four small stars represent the four social classes of people.




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