What is corona virus & from where it is originated - DailyDozzz- Expedition Unknown



Thursday 16 July 2020

What is corona virus & from where it is originated



Meaning of the word Covid?

'CO' means corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, the disease was referred to as the '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV'. COVID-19 virus is a new virus associated with the same family of viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and some types of common colds.


 How to name CORONA virus?

Viruses are named based on their genetic structure to facilitate the development of scientific tests, vaccines and drugs. Coronaviruses are named for their appearance: Under the microscope, viruses look as if they were from indicated structures. Are covered which surround them like a corona or crown. Hence, the virus is named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).

Corona is a large family of viruses that cause common cold to more serious illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome.

The outbreak of SARS began in China in 2003 and spread to other countries before ending in 2004.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is similar to the 2003 SARS outbreak: both are coronavirus variants. Much is still unknown, but COVID-19 spreads faster than 2003 SARS and can also cause serious illness.


 Symptoms of Coronavirus?

The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus that spreads primarily through droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or by nasal discharge.

COVID-19 symptoms include: 



Difficulty breathing

muscle aches

Sore throat

Unexplained loss of taste or smell



In rare cases, Covid-19 can cause severe respiratory problems, kidney failure, or death.

Who is most threatened by Corona virus?

Although COVID-19 causes only mild illness for most people, it can make some people very ill. Severe disease develops in older people, and in people with underlying medical problems such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory illness, and cancer. More likely to occur.



Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub and touching your face. The COVID-19 virus spreads mainly through droplets or nostrils when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it is important that you also practice respiratory etiquette.



Are there any vaccine developed?

 At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, several trials evaluating potential treatments are underway.



 Is coronavirus disease more severe than the flu?

COVID-19 causes more severe disease than seasonal influenza.

While many people globally have built immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus with no immunity whatsoever. This means that more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer from serious illness.

Globally, approximately 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. In comparison, seasonal flu usually kills less than 1% of infected people.

 What happens when coronavirus disease occurs?

People with Covid-19 typically develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and fever, on average 5–6 days after infection (mean incubation period 5–6 days, range 1–14 days). Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild diseases and are cured.


 Can coronavirus disease be transmitted in hot or humid climate?

From the evidence so far, COVID-19 virus can be transmitted to all areas, including areas with hot and humid climates. Regardless of the climate, if you live, or go to an area reporting COVID-19, adopt protective measures.



where did coronavirus come from?

A 55-year-old man from Hubei Province in China may be the first person to contract COVID-19,

At the end of December 2019, there were Wuhan provinces of China. At that time, the authorities were suspected to have originated from the virus sold in a wet market in the city. However, it is now clear that some infected people have no connection with the market in the epidemic that is now. The researchers included one of the oldest cases of December 1, 2019, which had no connection to that seafood market, the researchers reported on January 20 in a journal called The Lancet.


Scientists now suspect this coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which originated in bats and for another animal, possibly pangolins, causing failure in humans. The disease is now spreading among people without any animal intermediaries.

Now, doctors and scientists are trying to trace the virus back to where it met to learn more about its spread. If, for example, doctors can detect early cases, they may be able to identify the animal host where the virus has originated.

On 27 December, the head of the respiratory department at Hubei Provincial Hospital, Dr. Zhang Jixian reported to health officials in China that a noval coronavirus is causing the disease; By that day, it had infected more than 180 individuals.

As of 13 March, there were approximately 148,000 cases globally and more than 81,000 cases in mainland China, with cases on every continent except Antarctica. Scientists continue to work on studying and treating the virus, including a vaccine.




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